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U.S. Releases Earnings Data for Thousands of College Programs

The U.S. Department of Education released first-year earnings data for thousands of college programs. Some see a way to judge programs' value -- while others question the data's value.

Congress and College Accountability

Too often, policy makers in Washington aren’t aligned with their voters, argue Clare McCann and Alejandra Acosta.

College Ranking Metrics Should Include Academic Freedom

Isn’t academic freedom a serious enough principle, Richard Ashford, Shampa Biswas and Mohan J. Dutta ask, for its violations to be reflected in some manner in those metrics?

New Rules on Accreditation and State Authorization

Trump administration calls its final rules on accreditation and state approval of online providers a rightsizing of bureaucracy that protects students. Consumer advocates and Democrats see an unraveling of federal oversight.

Assessing the Value of an Undergrad Degree

A new study from Academically Adrift's co-author seeks to evaluate a broad range of student experiences and outcomes as well as new ways to measure learning.

Data-Driven Accountability

As new datasets on student results become available, the Lumina Foundation taps group of regulators and experts for new approach to assuring quality in higher education, with focus on equity and colleges' financial health.

Philosophy Degrees and Sales Jobs

New data on the first three jobs held by graduates of six popular majors show career pathways are a swirl rather than a straight line, and that college degrees typically do create a foundation for entering the workforce.

Rewriting the Rules for Accreditors

Many regulatory changes sought by the Trump administration in an accreditation overhaul reflect shortcomings found at for-profit accreditor restored by Betsy DeVos.