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NSF Tells Universities to Prevent Harassment

Agency warns that it may terminate funding to institutions that don't follow the law.

Beyond Faculty Careers

Can the NEH change the orientation of doctoral programs in the humanities?

New Way to Hinder Social Science Grants

Researchers object to powerful lawmaker's bill that would require NSF to stipulate how each award relates to "national interest."

Out of Favor With House GOP

Bill to set spending targets for science agencies has modest overall increases, but cuts for social sciences and energy research.

Replenishing Research

President Obama's 2016 budget proposal includes nearly across-the-board increases for research, with heavy focus on biomedical sciences, climate change, advanced manufacturing and STEM education.

The Value of Research Funding

Study finds that, in chemistry, institutions that receive more federal support produce more papers and receive more citations.

Staying Close to Home

Following criticism from a politician and facing uncertain funding in the future, the National Endowment for the Humanities drops some international programs.

Funding Boost for NIH

National Institutes of Health would see increase of more than 4 percent next year under a Senate budget measure drafted Tuesday. The maximum Pell award would also grow.