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Push for Student-Level Data the Feds Don’t Collect

Major education foundations aren't waiting for Congress to provide data needed to better analyze and serve students. They've partnered to get the data themselves and are encouraging more colleges to join them.

Cal State Sees Major Gains in Graduation Rates

At same time, gaps between underrepresented minority students and everyone else are narrowing.

From Community College to a Selective University

Many community college students with high grade point averages aren't transferring to four-year institutions, new research finds, a fact some of the nation's most selective universities want to change.

Dropping the D

Transfer rates at North Carolina's Stanly Community College increased after the college made the simple grading change of no longer awarding D's.

Transfer Under One Roof

While policy makers push vocational education as an alternative to the bachelor’s degree, Utah Valley University does both as a dual-role community college and university that enrolls 37,000 students.

Partnering for Transfer

Getting 37 institutions to agree on new student transfer pathways isn’t easy, but the Minnesota State system seems to have accomplished it.

Leadership Matters for Transfer Success

Community college and university presidents must lead the way in improving transfer student success, write Robert Templin and K. C. Deane.

Insider’s Take on CUNY’s Pathways

Alexandra Logue, the City University of New York’s former chief academic officer, discusses her new book on Pathways, the system’s ambitious and controversial credit transfer program.