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The Best Response Is a Measured One

What data do we need, asks Justin Westerfield, to make an equitable contingency plan for assessing and grading students in the future?

Pass-Fail Hardball

Students are again seeking pass-fail options for this anything-but-normal fall. Institutions are far less lenient than they were in the spring -- with some exceptions.

Humane Assessment Shouldn’t Happen Only During a Pandemic

A standards-based approach to grading that incorporates goal-setting and self-reflection can help promote students' progress in times of crisis as well as normalcy, advises Rosalie Metro.

Grading in a Pandemic (Still)

Colleges adopted an array of flexible assessment policies because of COVID-19 last spring. Many are reverting to their normal practices this fall -- though the term will be anything but.

Curriculum and Assessment Amid COVID-19 and Beyond

"Curriculum and Assessment Amid COVID-19 and Beyond" is Inside Higher Ed's new downloadable collection of articles. You may access a...

A Push for Equitable Assessment

COVID-19 and nationwide antiracism protests have intensified conversations about inequity in higher education. One research group hopes to use the moment to promote more inclusive ways to validate learning.

Big Proctor

Is the fight against cheating during remote instruction worth enlisting third-party student surveillance platforms?

Grading for a Pandemic

How lenient, or not, should professors be with students right now?